Monday, October 22, 2012

It's a Zoo out there!

Yes, life is full of hustle, bustle, and temptations!  But only some times, when I'm not lazy.

Last week was pretty busy for me.  Let's see... I did one of my three designated walks on Tuesday.  It happened to be scorching hot that day, so I had a foggy head that night and remembered why I stopped walking to the post office.  I didn't do any more official walks, but Friday my mom and I went to the gem fair and were walking about... does that count?  Then on Saturday Derrick and I walked around Old Towne Orange.  Okay.... these are normal activities and not so much exercise, but considering my stationary lifestyle it's better than nothing!

Instead of 1 day of free eating (and ideally just one meal) it extended to 2 days.  Friday I was eating rice and curry at my mom's house, and then for dinner we went out to Thai food and I ate and ate and ate!  Saturday Derrick and I went to Watson's diner for lunch, and then we came home and ate and ate and ate pasta and more pasta til the wee morning.

Today I did my weekly weigh in and stats.  Here they are:

Weight: 119.0
Body Fat: 25.7%
BMI: 23.3

119 was my goal, so I'm happy to be there.  I measured my body fat many times and this one is the lowest :)  I figure I got the technique right now, so I shouldn't have to measure more than once next time.

Halloween is coming up this weekend, and I got my zebra accessories.  This week's photo:

"Do the Zebra"

First off, don't ask about why my arm is doing that.  It was on the way elsewhere but got caught mid shot.  And no, this is not the outfit I will be wearing to Halloween, I have a zebra dress.  Haha.

I don't feel like my body changed.  At least my weight is slowly, oh so slowly, dripping down.  Even without exercise.  I do pretty good on weekdays with eating.

Goals for this week:  

  • 118 by next week, or at least under 118.5
  • Stretches 3 times this week
  • 2 Walks
  • Eating only seafood and veggies in the house
I got bored of meat, taste-wise and morally.  So I am taking a break from it in the house.  For now at least.

Hmm... slow progress.  The most dramatic shift has been eating healthier on week days.  Also, now that it's getting colder I don't really desire smoothies for lunch, so we'll see what happens.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday after Del Mar! (Gulp)

Wow, it has already been a week!

I had so much fun at my Del Mar birthday the past extended weekend with my friends!  We had such delicious food, lots to drink, good views, and fun times.  I had a lot of Irish coffee and other things I don't usually intake.  But on the bright side, I also walked more than I have in a long time (how sad, because it really wasn't that much!).  I also got a giant water bottle from Derrick and a body fat machine from Stags, that are directly beneficial to my health and fitness :)

Sadly though, I have gained 0.8 lbs.  This morning I weighed 120.8.  Not unexpected considering I haven't exercised and I was out vacationing all weekend.  But that means this week I really have to start cracking down.  Here are my stats:

Weight:  120.8 lbs
Body Fat :  26.0%
Photo:  "The Side Swimmer"

Haha, don't ask me about the pose.  But since I didn't progress, at least you get a different view of what things are looking like these days.  Not too impressive.

What this means for the upcoming week:

-Adding exercise
I have been avoiding this due to laziness and nasty weather.  The weather is nasty again this week!  But my goal is 3 walks per week, each measuring at least 1/2 hour.  I know this is little, but it's better than nothing.  Also, at least 10 minutes of stretching before each walk.

-Reducing consumption to 2 meals per day:
Smoothie morning and meat/veggie dinner at night.  The difference being, I cut out  my mid-day veggies and any snacking.  Since I barely move, I really don't need that much food.  Let's see how it goes...

-Elimination of processed meats
I've still been eating a lot of processed meats, including the big fish stick I just had.  Last week's processed meats included sausages, chicken wings, fish sticks, roast beef hash from a can, and more.  I know this is bad, so now I have to cut them out to seriously see some results.  The easiest way is not to buy them any more.

By next week's weigh in I hope to be no more than 119 lbs.  That is a challenge since I'm not exercising much, but I can strive.  Nothing too crazy coming up this week except dinner with the family for my birthday celebration, location tbd.

All in all, I have been feeling so much better on my new eating regiment and by drinking tons and tons of water.  What a difference!  Today I made strawberry infusion water.  And I'm super excited to have Hank the Tank in my life:

Thanks for reading!  Hope to have more exciting results next Monday!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Big is Beautiful: My Monday Weigh In and Skin Shot

So it's here!

Monday morning and time for you to gain knowledge of my stats and see some skin.
Let's start by saying, last week I was motivated to reinvigorate the health and fitness group because I stepped on the scale and was aghast to see it blaring with the number 123.6!  That's a big number I hope never to see again, albeit an after dinner weigh-in rather than my usual morning stat.  Fortunately the next morning I had diminished to 121.6 lbs.  Regardless, it's much heftier than I am comfortable with, so the journey begins.

Today the scale read:  120.0

As promised, you will get Monday photo shots to put a body to that number.  This time, no matter what my weight, I will attempt to look and feel my best.  This chapter's photo shots are themed "Celebration in Size".  That being said, here is my plus model picture...

"Celebration in Size:  Big Is Beautiful"

Okay so let's try to be positive here.  As usual, the unsightliest congregation is in the stomach.  Also in my thighs, which are not highlighted in this shot, but you can take my word for it.  And my other concern would be under the chin, also not featured today :)

So... this past week I did absolutely no exercise.  I sat at home in front of the computer as usual, and the most exercise I got was walking to Hiroko's house from the car.  HAHA!  But the good news is that I have adjusted pretty well to my healthy eating regiment.  Monday through Thursday are the best, and the weekends kind of slide down hill with carbs and extra snacking etc.  I will continue to eat healthy on weekdays, and also try to limit more extravagant eats to either JUST Friday or preferably JUST Saturday.

This coming week, I will not do any exercise.  It's going to be a challenge, as tomorrow I got to USC with my mom and am meeting Angelica for lunch at a gastro pub.  And then Friday-Sunday I will be in Del Mar with friends for my 32nd birthday celebration. Yay!  My goal for this week is to maintain 120.  And then light exercise will start next Monday.

Other good news, also discovered this morning/noontime was a birthday package from Hiroko...

Yay!  The microwavable rice cooker is a replacement for my broken one.  Although I will not be cooking too much rice these days, it can also be used for meat and veggies.  Convenient.  With the jug I can drink even more water, but with exciting flavors!  My first infusion, using lemons from my tree, is chilling in the fridge....

The fruit can remain 7-10 days, so maybe I will make a tradition of changing it out every Monday.  Wonder what will be next week's delight!

More health coming up this week.  Tomorrow my mom and I ride the Amtrak to Union Station and catch a USC shuttle to the dentistry school where she has work done continually.  It will be our first time taking the train, so I am accompanying her to help figure out the route.  We should be gone most of the day, 10am to 6pm most likely.

Then Biggy and Happy get healthy on Wednesday, with dental work from the vet!  Biggy gets his cleaning, while Happy (my mom's cat) goes for his pre-dental exam and possibly gets a cleaning as well if he needs it. Zoe did not need cleaning, but last night I brushed her teeth with cat toothpaste for the first time.  No, she did not like it but it wasn't too bad.  It's supposed to be a daily ritual, but I think once a week will suffice.

The cats are also doing better on their transition to healthy eating.  They get less hard food.  They are not getting any junk food (fancy feast etc), and I have found an organic canned variety they are eating, at least for the moment.  Good boy and girl!

Oh and so you know, these new photos are not from the camera I got last time.  I need to buy a memory card, most likely tonight.  Along with more bananas.

Thanks for reading, that's all I have to say for now!



Friday, October 5, 2012

More Good Thing!

2 awesome days in a row!  This new eating regiment really brings on positive things :)

I was up late last night, which lead me to eat a small not healthy snack at 4am or so.  Therefore, if I am hungry in the wee hours, from now on I will have a small bowl of fruit or vegetables instead.

I got up after 11 and took the cats out for some fresh air.  Had my delicious and satisfying breakfast smoothie.  Unlike yesterday where I was starving away at all hours, today I was not hungry.  I guess my body is adjusting quickly :)

Cats were in for a health and fitness treat today!  I took them to the vet for their pre-dental exam because Biggy has had terrible breathe since we adopted him.  Biggy has gingivitis :(  He will have to go back next week for cleaning, and I hope there will be some improvement because his gum is red and inflamed.  Poor guy.  The doc also said that he is above his about a pound above his ideal weight, weighing in at a hefty 13.66 lbs!

Zoe had excellent teeth and is at her ideal weight at 8.34 lbs.  Good girl!

They recommended I change the diet, as I already know.  They should be eating little to none krispies.  Ideally they are eating organic wet food or even better, raw food.  I have tried to feed them expensive organic and raw foods, but they mostly ignore it.  But now I have to get serious about trying to switch them over.

My mom and I each bought a cat toothbrush and toothpaste set.  They are supposed to be brushed daily, like people!  Haha, let's see what happens.

For  my mid meal veggies, I had delicious subji that my mom made (Indian mixed vegetables). In the evening, Derrick surprised me with this awesome early birthday gift that I wanted, a good digital camera!  After today, my blog photos should be even more shimmering and bright!

  And then it was practically time for dinner...

The last of the super delicious processed chicken strips.  Mmmmm... my stomach is craving it now as I type. Also, eggplant that I stir fried with spinach and sausage.  Lettuce.  And yellow lentils made a la mama.

I have not exercised at all, but that's okay because it doesn't officially start for another few days.  And I have been drinking a decent amount of water.

So... nothing too exciting but it was a very excellent day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ultra Max!

Yay it's been a first good day!

I woke up to the site of a box on our dining table, and opened it to find the perfect early birthday gift from Sheila, Smita, and Mae:

Yay!  Brita Ultra Max!  So perfect.  It's now sitting in the fridge and I have been drinking water all day. No more filling up the small britas constantly.  I have drunk so much water today.  Yet, I am still thirsty and my lips are dry.  I think I require more water than the normal person.  Does that make me above average?

I pretty much stuck to my eating regiment.  Last night I was soooo hungry, as Hiroko and I discussed food through the wee hour.  I have been eating a lot of processed foods this year, and that could be the reason for my weight gain.  Last year I did not exercise but also didn't gain much weight, so it must be the eating habit.  Not to mention the super duper sedentary suburban lifestyle I've etched out for myself here in the OC.

I didn't do any exercise today, except walking a few steps in Target.  I got soy milk for tomorrow's smoothie, and my gummy vitamins.  This time I didn't leave them in the car, so they did not melt into one big mush.  Hehe.

Yes, it has been tough adjusting to the smaller amount of food.  I keep having the urge to go to the kitchen and grab a snack, like I usually do all day long. Oh the perks of working from home.  I think I will adjust better in a few days.

Feeling positive!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm back!

October of 2010 I embarked on my first fitness adventure, going from 122.8 lbs to 110 lbs in less than 3 months.  That was accomplished through intensive work outs day and night, healthy eating, strong will power, and the moral support of awesome friends!

I basically stopped working out through most of 2011 and 2012, and sad to say, my numbers are up there again :(  The good news is that it only took 3 months to lose, and 2 years to return.  That means it's easier to lose weight than to gain it :)

This time, I am taking a less intensive and more sustainable approach to my health and fitness.

The battle between food and skinny is something that is on my mind every single day.  But today after stepping on that scale and gasping, I am finally ready to commit to my health again.  Here is what you can expect over the next few days, weeks, months, years....

October 3rd.... What Derrick calls "intermittent fasting" begins, and continues until I reduce to 115 lbs.

October 7th.... You will receive my first Monday weight report and body photo (embarrassing!  but unlike last time it will not be bikini)

October 15th... Exercise regiment begins

My short term goal is to reach 115 lbs before the holidays (be it Tday or Xmas) and maintain 115 or less through the holidays and the expected move to Portland that should transpire soon after.  Once I settle into Portland, my goal is to find a regular exercising place, be it a gym or other type of activity.

Although my ideal weight is 110... I am going to be realistic and be happy maintaining anything between 110-115 for my long term goal.  

I also know that I will not be doing crazy exercise throughout my life, so a simple workout 3 times a week is good.   I will discover what works best as we go along.

For now... my eating schedule goes something like this:

All day: tons and tons of water.
1pm  1 XL glass of fruit smoothie w. almond milk base
4pm  Multi Vitamins and 1 regimented bowl of raw vegetables w/ low fat dip
7pm  Dinner of meat and veggies

...If I should get uncontrollably hungry at any point, I will have a cup of flavored tea or lightly sweetened lemonade home made.   

I hope this works out, as I have been having heat and dehydration sickness often here in SoCal, and not eating sometimes triggers it.  But... I think the terrible eating that I have been doing also triggers it so hopefully my healthy approach will whip my body back into shape.

These are my current projections, and of course things will be altered as I go along and see what works.

Oh man, I'm hungry but I must overcome the fat whale syndrome!  Looks like I will be grocery shopping tomorrow.  Hopefully the huge cut in food will reduce my giant grocery bills :)  Always a bright side.

Thanks for reading and being here!


I have no photos for today, but here is a face shot of me from 2 weeks ago.  Future photos will be to date :)