Wow, it has already been a week!
I had so much fun at my Del Mar birthday the past extended weekend with my friends! We had such delicious food, lots to drink, good views, and fun times. I had a lot of Irish coffee and other things I don't usually intake. But on the bright side, I also walked more than I have in a long time (how sad, because it really wasn't that much!). I also got a giant water bottle from Derrick and a body fat machine from Stags, that are directly beneficial to my health and fitness :)
Sadly though, I have gained 0.8 lbs. This morning I weighed 120.8. Not unexpected considering I haven't exercised and I was out vacationing all weekend. But that means this week I really have to start cracking down. Here are my stats:
Weight: 120.8 lbs
Body Fat : 26.0%
Photo: "The Side Swimmer"
Haha, don't ask me about the pose. But since I didn't progress, at least you get a different view of what things are looking like these days. Not too impressive.
What this means for the upcoming week:
-Adding exercise
I have been avoiding this due to laziness and nasty weather. The weather is nasty again this week! But my goal is 3 walks per week, each measuring at least 1/2 hour. I know this is little, but it's better than nothing. Also, at least 10 minutes of stretching before each walk.
-Reducing consumption to 2 meals per day:
Smoothie morning and meat/veggie dinner at night. The difference being, I cut out my mid-day veggies and any snacking. Since I barely move, I really don't need that much food. Let's see how it goes...
-Elimination of processed meats
I've still been eating a lot of processed meats, including the big fish stick I just had. Last week's processed meats included sausages, chicken wings, fish sticks, roast beef hash from a can, and more. I know this is bad, so now I have to cut them out to seriously see some results. The easiest way is not to buy them any more.
By next week's weigh in I hope to be no more than 119 lbs. That is a challenge since I'm not exercising much, but I can strive. Nothing too crazy coming up this week except dinner with the family for my birthday celebration, location tbd.
All in all, I have been feeling so much better on my new eating regiment and by drinking tons and tons of water. What a difference! Today I made strawberry infusion water. And I'm super excited to have Hank the Tank in my life:
Thanks for reading! Hope to have more exciting results next Monday!
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