Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ultra Max!

Yay it's been a first good day!

I woke up to the site of a box on our dining table, and opened it to find the perfect early birthday gift from Sheila, Smita, and Mae:

Yay!  Brita Ultra Max!  So perfect.  It's now sitting in the fridge and I have been drinking water all day. No more filling up the small britas constantly.  I have drunk so much water today.  Yet, I am still thirsty and my lips are dry.  I think I require more water than the normal person.  Does that make me above average?

I pretty much stuck to my eating regiment.  Last night I was soooo hungry, as Hiroko and I discussed food through the wee hour.  I have been eating a lot of processed foods this year, and that could be the reason for my weight gain.  Last year I did not exercise but also didn't gain much weight, so it must be the eating habit.  Not to mention the super duper sedentary suburban lifestyle I've etched out for myself here in the OC.

I didn't do any exercise today, except walking a few steps in Target.  I got soy milk for tomorrow's smoothie, and my gummy vitamins.  This time I didn't leave them in the car, so they did not melt into one big mush.  Hehe.

Yes, it has been tough adjusting to the smaller amount of food.  I keep having the urge to go to the kitchen and grab a snack, like I usually do all day long. Oh the perks of working from home.  I think I will adjust better in a few days.

Feeling positive!


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